I found out that Badger Cub was breech at around 35 weeks. The consultant gave me the hospital's standard leaflet on breech (which included only a single line suggesting that natural birth was possible), and informed me that I would "of course" be booked in for a cesarean section at 37 weeks.
I was lucky. I was already in contact with an independent midwife and she gave me information and support that was not forthcoming from the NHS. It would be a shame not to share that knowledge!
Breech Birth - What are my options?
This is a booklet published by AIMS and written by Jane Evans, a UK midwife with a huge amount of experience in breech birth. The independent midwife lent me a copy of this amazing booklet. It contains background information about breech presentation, methods of attempting to turn baby, all of the different birth options together with associated risks, and a number of testimonials from breech mums. It's a thoroughly balanced publication and was vital in my decision to press on with first ECV attempts and then the actual breech birth.
Available to order from the AIMS website in print, and there is also a link to the Kindle version.
Spinning Babies
The Spinning Babies website contains information around breech in general and specifically on all recognised methods of turning or positioning baby. Some come from the area of complementary/alternative medicine (such as moxibustion) and I am not making any endorsement of them, but the information is there.
Birth Without Fear
This is generally an inspirational website full of birth stories (including some rather detailed and graphic birth phtotographs). It has a whole section of breech birth stories.
Facebook Groups
Coalition for Breech Birth
Breech Birth UK
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